
Stano-Plex 300 – 2 Pack

  • 2 Bottles of Stano-Plex 300
  • Full 40 to 60 Day Supply!
  • 300 Mg. EpiAndro per capsule!
  • 300 Mg. VASO6 per serving!
  • Maximum Lean Muscle Gains*
  • Mind-Blowing Strength Gains*
  • Increased Fat Loss*
  • Increased Vascularity & Muscle Pumps*
  • Improved Lean Muscle Retention*
  • Hardcore Muscle Definition*
  • Advanced Recomp/Muscle Hardening Benefits*
  • Reduced Water Retention*
  • Increased Libido/Sex Drive*
  • Improved Sense of Well-Being*
  • Increased Protein Synthesis*
  • Improved Intensity During Workouts*

$139.98 $109.99

Hardcore Lean Muscle, Strength, Definition, & Pumps*

300 Mg Epiandrosterone Per Capsule

What type of results do you want from your workouts?

More Strength?

More Lean Muscle?

More Fat Loss?

More Pumps?

More Vascularity?

From the day you started working out, you’ve always wanted MORE. Why?

Because MORE is Better! Want MORE! Demand MORE!

What does Stano-Plex 300 give you? MORE!

Stano-Plex 300 Highlights: 

  • 300 Mg. Epiandrosterone per capsule!
  • 300 Mg. VASO6™ per serving!
  • Up to 6x the amount of Epiandrosterone per capsule as some competing brands!
  • 18,000 MG (18 Grams) of Epiandrosterone per Bottle!

Stano-Plex 300 Supports: 

  • Maximum Lean Muscle Gains*
  • Mind-Blowing Strength Gains*
  • Increased Fat Loss*
  • Increased Vascularity & Muscle Pumps*
  • Improved Lean Muscle Retention*
  • Hardcore Muscle Definition*
  • Advanced Recomp/Muscle Hardening Benefits*
  • Reduction of Water Retention*
  • Increased Libido/Sex Drive*
  • Improved Sense of Well-Being*
  • Increased Protein Synthesis*
  • Improved Intensity During Workouts*

When to use Stano-Plex 300

Due to the potent nature of Stano-Plex 300 and the wide variety of potential benefits, Stano-Plex 300 can be used for bulking, lean muscle building, &/or cutting cycles.

Let’s examine the ingredients:



Epiandrosterone is a derivative of DHEA and can be found naturally occurring in pine pollen. Epiandrosterone is a precursor to Stanolone, also known as DHT which is commonly referred to as the king of all male hormones due to it being up to 10 times stronger and more androgenic than testosterone. Low levels of DHT are commonly associated with decreased sex drive and may detrimentally affect the muscle building process. Proper and high levels of DHT support an improved sex drive, improved mood and sense of well-being, improvements in strength and lean muscle, and decreased body-fat at and water retention.


VASO6™ is a licensed branded ingredient that is described by the patent holder/licensing company as a patented green tea oligomer for sports nutrition. This ingredient is so popular that it is included in some of the most popular pre-workout and pump products on the market for improved pumps, vascularity, & performance.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): 


Can I take M-Test with Stano-Plex 300?

Absolutely. M-Test is the most comprehensive natural testosterone booster available and makes for a great natural testosterone increasing base for a Stano-Plex 300 cycle.


When should I use Stano-Plex 300?

Due to the potent nature of Stano-Plex 300 and the wide variety of potential uses, Stano-Plex 300 can be used for bulking, lean muscle, and cutting cycles.


How do I use Stano-Plex 300?

Stano-Plex is commonly dosed at 2 capsules per day for 6 to 8 week cycles.


What should I use while taking Stano-Plex 300?

Cycle Assist can be used while on your Stano-Plex 300 cycle for cycle support purposes.

M-Test is the most comprehensive hardcore natural testosterone booster available and makes for a great natural testosterone increasing base supplement for a Stano-Plex 300 cycle.

TUDCA can be used by those that are stacking Stano-Plex 300 with other products that may require an additional more potent liver support supplement.


Does Epiandrosterone typically convert to estrogen?

Epiandrosterone is commonly associated with lean dry gains and does not typically convert to estrogen.


What should I use for PCT after taking Stano-Plex 300?

The most common PCT for Stano-Plex 300 is Cycle Assist, M-Test, PCT Assist, & Reduce XT by SNS. Inhibit-E from SNS may also be included under certain circumstances.

  • Cycle Assist – Cycle Assist is the original cycle support solution.
  • M-Test – Hardcore natural testosterone booster.
  • PCT Assist – Natural testosterone booster with anti-estrogenic properties.
  • Reduce XT – Not a Competitive Edge Labs product, but an SNS product for cortisol control purposes that is commonly used during PCT to help keep your hard earned gains.
  • Inhibit-E – Not a Competitive Edge Labs product, but an SNS product that can be included in PCT by those that choose to stack Stano-Plex 300 with other products that may cause  increases in estrogen.


Stano-Plex 300

Hardcore Lean Muscle  I  Strength  I  Definition  I  Pumps*


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